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Being an Internet Marketing coach and mentor, I get a lot of questions, but this is likely the most common. Ryan where is the best place to start running mobile campaigns? It’s asked by every affiliate, media buyer, agency, beginner, etc. Now Honestly there is no perfect traffic source to start running a campaign. Each source has their own unique quirks, pros and cons. However, the biggest hangup that most of my publishers have at Revmax, is simply getting campaigns approved. For example, if you plan on running a download offer, it’s very unlikely that you’ll be able to get that campaign approved on a place like Adwords or Facebook. To be quite honest with you, even if you could get them approved the traffic likely wouldn’t convert well enough for now much it would cost. That is because both Adwords and Facebook don’t have “download sites” as publishers for their ad networks. Matching Traffic to Offers Think about this for a second… If someone is going to convert on a downloa...


National security has shut off all internet related connections turning Zimbabwe dark.
I am in a petrol queue at the moment and i managed to be lucky because i came a bit early and in front of me there are at least 50 vehicles all petrol. Its now 5pm and cars are moving in pavements to get to the front of the line. it is a disaster here. At midnight the video was circulating on the internet that the presudent had announced that there was going to be an increase in fuel prices. I saw it on my whatsapp and fowarded it to a few friends.

'Zimbabwe is officialy closed for buissness' I slept in the queue and at 2pm i managed to get petrol for my vehicle. I had budgeted $70 bond notes knowing that with that i was going tp fill up my tank but after they doubled the price i only got approximatley 20liters. There was nothing i could do so i continued with my journey. At 8pm the message came from twitter that there was going to be a stayaway. The ZCTU announced that there was going to be a 3 day stayaway in relation to the increase of the fuel prices in Zimbabwe the President recently announced. The message of the fuel increase was sent at midnight to the news.

The word moved so fast everyone wanted to be part of the stay away. I went to school at 7am but when i got there the teachers told us to go back home. How good it was! I got into my vehicle and started on my way home and started working on my blogs.  At 12pm the word was all ober the news that there was going to be a stay away. I went to Youtube doing research for my blogs and the story was all there! People had had enough and they were starting protest and demonstrations in the main cities. Transport prices had increased by 3 times and so was the food prices. Shops were fully packed people getting ready for the 3 day stayaway but the shops closed early so early. What happened this day was not good. After i did my daily research the news i got were bad. Harare and Bulawayo was hot. Police were shooting civilians and civilians were fighting back burning police vehicles including private vehicles. Everyone who was found working was either beaten or his goods were burnt. Police started throeing tear gas cans at civilians and even inside homes. This angered civilians. A few shops were burnt. Choppers supermarket was burnt and roads were closed with burning cars and tyres. Civilians were seen holding automatic rifles in town and others  with long Machetes. Dead bodies could be seen in streets. Soldiers then arrived to try and stop this terror but they were too late. A tollgate (checkpoint) in Harare was burnt. Police ran away throwing their uniforms away because wearing uniforms meant that these guys were working.

National Security then turned off all internet related connections. Only voice calls are the only means of communication left. Every citizen who had been in blankets waiting to here the news on social media did not have anything to do ao tyey joined and became part of it! This worsened the situation because all those small towns were cut off from the rest of the Nation so the people reacted by starting off their own rebels in every small town. Every main road became closed forcing the movement of cars to stop. All vehicles were hidden away from the streets and the angry mobs. This brought a very negative impression on Zimbabwe. A very bad one! Most of the companies in Zimbabwe's owners are not based in Zimbabwe others in Asia others in America how were reports gonna be sent to them. Internet is what holds every buissness tight but removing it means removing every promising vompanie awy from from Zim making it official that Zim is closed for buissness. So this just made it worse for them. Blocking internet communications in Zimbabwe made the situation very worse. No Youtube, No facebook, No skype, No chatroulette None of that for three days!

Its quiet only the birds and the winds are singing in my surbub but outside there there is a horror. Beer is only being sold behind back doors and every one is shouting gambling andthrowing something. Its a mess! I got a call from to of my field workers and they said the situation is severe and turning real bad. Black booted soldiers (a higher soldier rank) are banging into any houses the want beating up man, women and children, Everyone and maybe babies who knows what these beasts can do😈. People are locking their doors hiding underneath beds and arming theirselves with pots belts and pans awaiting the horror that may bang into their door any moment. Journalists are being beat up real bad and they cant even get into it. The news reporter announced that more than 200 people have been arrested an the situation was going to end soon.

Then this message was sent to every Zimbabwean phone number from one of the networks-
Further to a warrant issued by the Minister of State in the President¿s Office  for National Security through the Director General of the President¿s Dept,acting in terms of the Interception of Communications Act,Internet Services are currently suspended across all networks and Internet Service providers.We are obliged to act when directed to do so and the matter is beyond our control.All inconveniences are sincerely regretted.

What could be worse?
Several shops have been robbed. Buglars are taking advantage of the stayaway. A computer and accesory shop in my town has been robbed. The town streets are completly empty. Only the homeless are walking around. Intetnet has been turned on 1830hrs. Now its time to reveal what they had been hiding from us from the previous 2 days.

No news from the outside world i don't have a clue on how tyings are outside. No word from our president in Russia since he left before Monday.





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